Những nhà nghiên cứu NUS phát triển mạch điện kim loại lỏng cho những thiết bị có thể mang trên người

Thứ ba, 03/10/2023, 14:29 GMT+7

New highly conductive material can stretch to 22 times its original length and heal cracks almost instantaneously.


Prof Lim Chwee Teck (left), Dr Chen Shuwen (right) and their team have developed a novel liquid-metal material (held by the researchers) suitable for making flexible and unbreakable circuitry for stretchable electronics.


Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have recently invented a new super flexible, self-healing and highly conductive material suitable for stretchable electronic circuitry. This breakthrough could significantly improve the performance of wearable technologies, soft robotics, smart devices and more.

Imagine a stretchable and durable sensor patch for monitoring the rehabilitation of patients with elbow or knee injuries, or an unbreakable and reliable wearable device that measures a runner’s cardiac activities during training to prevent life-threatening injuries. Disruptive innovations in wearable technology are often limited by the electronic circuits – which are usually made of conductive metals that are either stiff or prone to damage - that power these smart devices.


See more here


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