8 nhà giáo dục, nhà nghiên cứu và chuyên gia NUS được vinh danh tại giải thưởng ĐH NUS 2024

Thứ năm, 12/09/2024, 11:18 GMT+7

Eight outstanding educators, researchers and professionals were lauded for their contributions to the University, Singapore and the global community at the NUS University Awards 2024. The annual Awards pay tribute to members of the NUS community who, through their consistently high performance and resolute commitment, raised the bar in the areas of education, research and service.

From left to right: Asst Prof Jasper Tromp; Prof Abhik Roychoudhury; NUS President Prof Tan Eng Chye; Dr Teh Kok Peng; NUS Chairman Mr Hsieh Fu Hua; Mr Bilahari Kausikan; Prof Aaron Thean, NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost; Prof Wang Linfa; Assoc Prof Peter Thomas Vail; and Asst Prof Wang Xinchao.

Speaking at the awards ceremony held at Conrad Singapore Orchard on 30 August, NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye highlighted that excellence is an enduring core value at NUS. He hopes that this eye to excellence will continue to motivate members of the NUS community to think of how they as individuals can be quicker, better and more productive in their pursuits.

Noting how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming every industry with great velocity, and our graduates will be moving on to jobs and sectors being changed and challenged with AI, Prof Tan said that we too must position ourselves strongly for AI. He added that this has prompted NUS to do two things in relation to its education mission, “First, we need to take a hard look at how AI will impact jobs and the industry sectors that our graduates will move on to, and the skills and knowledge they need to thrive. Are our courses building skills that are relevant? Do our students need exposure and engagement with AI, to work competently in a future which is AI-driven? Second, AI is disrupting various sectors of the knowledge economy. AI can process information and produce content almost instantly. How can we leverage on AI to ‘superpower’ teaching and learning?”

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