Khoa Máy tính NUS đồng tổ chức và hoạt động trung tâm nghiên cứu blockchain tiên tiến

Thứ ba, 16/08/2022, 09:31 GMT+7

Co-hosted by NUS and KAIST, the BRC will contribute to the body of advanced blockchain research and publicly share its research through papers or open-source software.


NUS Computing will co-host and operate a blockchain research centre alongside the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to advance cutting-edge research into blockchain technology, deepen blockchain capabilities and support industry growth.

The Blockchain Research Center (BRC) will be backed by a US$20 million funding commitment from blockchain platform Klaytn over the next four years, turning it into one of the largest blockchain research centres by known funding size.

The BRC will be headed by two experts with extensive blockchain experience: Assoc Prof Prateek Saxena at NUS Computing and Asst Prof Min Suk Kang of the School of Computing at KAIST. They will work closely with an international team of principal investigators from five other universities – UC Berkeley, Princeton University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Northern Arizona University, and Yonsei University – to conduct BRC’s research and outreach activities.


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