Sinh viên tốt nghiệp NUS có việc làm trong vòng 6 tháng với mức lương khởi điểm cao hơn so với năm trước

Thứ tư, 26/02/2025, 17:13 GMT+7
  • Higher or similar starting salaries for graduates from 35 courses1 compared to the year before, up from 25 in 2023; 10 courses saw significant salary increases of 10 per cent or more
  • Steady rise in median starting salaries for Arts and Social Sciences, and Science graduates over the past three years
  • 100 per cent employment for graduates from Accountancy and Dentistry1; 96.9 per cent employment for Accountancy (Honours) and 95.7 per cent employment for Materials Science and Engineering graduates
  • More than nine in 10 graduates across 17 degree programmes1 employed within six months

Graduates of the National University of Singapore (NUS) continue to earn higher starting salaries and achieve strong employment rates in 2024, according to the Joint Autonomous Universities Graduate Employment Survey (JAUGES) 2024, jointly conducted by NUS and other Autonomous Universities.

Professor Aaron Thean, NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost, said, “We are heartened that NUS graduates continue to enjoy strong employment outcomes and command competitive salaries, despite the challenging global economy. These encouraging results demonstrate how their NUS journey prepares them to excel and make meaningful contributions across diverse industries.”

“As artificial intelligence and big data reshape the modern workplace, today's job market demands unprecedented adaptability. NUS equips our students with resilience, creativity, and practical skills to embrace new opportunities in the technology-driven future. We encourage our graduates to continuously seek self-development and stay adaptable as they advance in their professional careers," Prof Thean added.

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