NUS Presidential Young Professor Warut Suksompong and his collaborators have won the Best Student Paper Award at the 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), held virtually from 14 to 17 December this year.
From top row, left to right: NUS Computing Assistant Professor Warut Suksompong, Argelander Professor Florian Brandl from the University of Bonn’s Department of Economics, Professor Felix Brandt from the Technical University of Munich’s Department of Informatics, (second row, left to right) PhD students Matthias Greger and Christian Stricker from the Technical University of Munich, and postdoctoral researcher Dominik Peters from the University of Toronto.
WINE is an annual interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and results on incentives and computation arising from theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, operations research, and economics.
Dr Suksompong and his collaborators - Argelander Professor Florian Brandl from the University of Bonn’s Department of Economics, Professor Felix Brandt from the Technical University of Munich’s Department of Informatics, PhD students Matthias Greger and Christian Stricker from the Technical University of Munich, and postdoctoral researcher Dominik Peters from the University of Toronto - presented their paper, Funding Public Projects: A Case for the Nash Product Rule, at WINE 2021.
The award recognises the work by Greger and Stricker, who are studying for their PhD in Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich.
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