05/01/2022, Thứ tư
Professor Simon Chesterman has been appointed the Dean of NUS College, Singapore’s first honours college, formed by the merger of the University Scholars Programme (USP) and Yale-NUS College.
04/01/2022, Thứ ba
The NUS Guangzhou Research Translation and Innovation Institute (NUSGRTII) in the south-eastern city of Guangzhou will be operational by the first half of 2022. It will train over 3,200 Chinese PhD and Master’s students, post-doctoral fellows as well as professionals over 10 years.
29/12/2021, Thứ tư
Two and a half years after the official inauguration of NUS’ Design-Your-Own-Module (DYOM) initiative for undergraduates, the initiative has gained traction and was honoured at the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Awards Asia 2021, widely known as the “Oscars” of higher education.