Sinh viên tốt nghiệp NUS có việc làm trong vòng 6 tháng với mức lương khởi điểm cao hơn so với năm trước

21/12/2021, Thứ ba
One year since the official inauguration of the NUS College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS), the publicity campaign for the new College has gained recognition at the recent Public Relations in the Service of Mankind (PRISM) Awards.
17/12/2021, Thứ sáu
16 December 2021 - NUS Computing Dean’s Chair Associate Professor Xiao Xiaokui has been selected as a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for his outstanding scientific contributions to computing.
17/12/2021, Thứ sáu
Associate Professor Evelyn Teo, Director, Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology; Professor Michael Chew, Head, NUS Department of the Built Environment; Assistant Professor Shah Kwok Wei, 5G Research Thrust Leader, Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology.