Các nhà nghiên cứu NUS đã giới thiệu các giải pháp môi trường sáng tạo tại Singapore International Water Week 2024

11/04/2024, Thứ năm
Nineteen NUS programmes are in the global top 10, according to the latest Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (QS WUR) by Subject 2024 released on 10 April 2024.
10/04/2024, Thứ tư
Data used in this article are based on the 2023 Graduate Employment Survey Results consolidated and released by MOE recently. See also our GES ranking for the previous year. The following are this year’s rankings. As usual, we rank first by Average Gross Monthly Salary, and then by Permanent Employment Rate.
04/03/2024, Thứ hai
A team of NUS researchers led by Associate Professor Lu Jiong from the Department of Chemistry and Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials, together with their international collaborators, have developed a novel concept of a chemist-intuited atomic robotic probe (CARP).