Các nhà nghiên cứu NUS đã giới thiệu các giải pháp môi trường sáng tạo tại Singapore International Water Week 2024

28/10/2023, Thứ bảy
NUS strengthened its partnership with leading French institutions in the areas of scientific research and education through the signing of four agreements at the third meeting of the France-Singapore Joint Committee on Science and Innovation (JCSI).
27/10/2023, Thứ sáu
NUS has been playing a vital role in shaping the energy landscape in Singapore through innovations in research and development.
25/10/2023, Thứ tư
The question of how universities can deliver sustainable outcomes and limit their environmental impact, while pursuing their international aims was at the heart of the Universitas 21 (U21) Senior Leaders’ Meeting hosted by NUS from 18 to 20 October 2023.