Các nhà nghiên cứu NUS đã giới thiệu các giải pháp môi trường sáng tạo tại Singapore International Water Week 2024

23/10/2023, Thứ hai
Three outstanding NUS scientists who have excelled in the fields of engineering and biological sciences have received Singapore’s top honours for their exceptional contributions in pushing the boundaries of Singapore’s science and technology landscape and beyond.
21/10/2023, Thứ bảy
Researchers from NUS engineered an innovative magnetic wound-healing gel that promises to accelerate the healing of diabetic wounds, reduce the rates of recurrence, and in turn, lower the incidents of limb amputations.
19/10/2023, Thứ năm
NUS has partnered Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) to establish a new S$20 million NUS-CSA CyberSG Talent, Innovation and Growth (TIG) Collaboration Centre.