Các nhà nghiên cứu NUS đã giới thiệu các giải pháp môi trường sáng tạo tại Singapore International Water Week 2024

24/03/2023, Thứ sáu
A team of six NUS scientists led by Assistant Professor Andy Tay showcased their research work in an exhibition titled “Technologies for a Future-ready Singapore” held at Cheng San Public Library from 3 to 20 March 2023.
22/03/2023, Thứ tư
The International Women in STEM and Medicine Symposium held in March 2023 calls for more support for women in STEM and Medicine. According to statistics from the United Nations, Singapore is within group 1 in the Gender Development Index (GDI) which comprises of countries with high equality between men and women
21/03/2023, Thứ ba
Dr Neo Mei Lin, senior research fellow from the NUS Tropical Marine Science Institute, has published a new book entitled A Field Guide to Giant Clams of The Indo-Pacific.